Mushmouth here.
Truly, this is a difficult time to be alive, our age, and living in this country. Over the past few weeks, friends and I have debated the future of not only the country, but also of the world as a whole. Now, we here at the Bridal Shower don't condone capitalism at all, and feel that basing your life on material objects is one of the most wicked things one can do. However, we did not choose to be born into a country that places so much importance on "stuff". This is the unfortunate truth of where we live, and we have only been able to watch as things have slowly started to degrade themselves.
EXAMPLE: I listen to NPR on my way to and from work everyday, and for the past few weeks, all I've been hearing about is how another large firm on wall street has collapsed only to be pulled by the government out of the shit they've created for themselves. Recently, somebody made the comment that this is what it must have felt like to live at the end of the Roman empire. As the system collapses, the citizens at large entertain themselves with mindless bullshit that hides the fact that things are going wrong. Natural disasters tear away whole communities, and the economy threatens to fall completely, but, hey, lets watch some wrestling! Fuck.
It's pretty obvious from what I've already written, but let me just come out and say that we don't agree with the current republican administration's way of handling things. Both Kid Supreme and I feel that, if McCain is elected, we will have to move to another country. We're afraid of what is to come, friends of The Bridal Shower. So afraid. In a few months, depending on how people vote, you may be hearing from us via Montreal, or Oaxaca, or who knows where. All we know is that things are pretty bad.
Now, these things are pretty bad, but, as I spoke with my friend Nilla yesterday, we decided that this country breeds apathy. We talked about not knowing just where in life we were headed, and the search for something to believe in. These things may sound cliched and trivial, but they really are some of the major things that have been on this Bridal Showerer's mind. What does the future hold? A job? Poverty? all of this ties in with the above statements, but also supersedes them. So many things that I feel cannot be expressed with words. This is just a fraction of what I want to say.
Never fear, though. I don't let these things get me down all the time. My friends are where I find solace in my life. We find things for ourselves to become interested in. Although music is the main focus in my life, I rather enjoy making films. My university friends and I have recently began shooting a new film, entitled, "The Agony of Aging". It sounds pretentious, I know, and, as we started, it was supposed to be a joke. Now, however, we feel as though we actually have a message to get across, and will stick true to what the title suggests. Plan to hear more as the film is completed.
Thus ends another blog. I will be seeing Kid Supreme at the end of the week, and you better believe we're gonna practice the shit out of The Bridal Shower. Also, let me mention that friends of The Bridal Shower are now listed to the right.
Thank you, and I really do love you,