Exhibit A

Exhibit B
Now you may be asking yourself "Kurt, since when is it hip to look like the scourge of the 24th century?" This is a great question that has been debated for countless hours. The most logical conclusion is that these women are, in fact, Romulans from the 24th century who have travelled back to the 21st century in order to destroy the Federations past, thus making themselves the unopposed rulers of the galaxy. However, other possibilities have been suggested. One is that these women are all secretly Trekkies. Another possible explanation is that the hairstyle is a complex conspiracy of hairdressers. Or perhaps women everywhere are completely ridiculous and are oblivious to the fact that they look suspiciously like Romulans from Star Trek, in which case, I am here to help.
In lieu of this new information we should all be concerned because the "bob" hairstyle will only lead to more horrible and disturbing trends such as:

Or worse yet this:

It's really only a matter of time.
Anyway, on to other matters. As a result of this being, primarily, a music blog, I feel obligated to include something about music. So I ask you, have you heard Major Lazer's Guns Don't Kill People-- Lazers Do? As the name suggests, the album is awesome. Major Lazer is a collaboration of producers Diplo and Switch with guest appearances from many of Dance Hall finest participants, such as Mr. Evil, Mr, Lexx, Mr. Vega, Ms. Thing . . . Every song on the album is fun and listenable, with some silliness along the way, for example there is a sketch about a baby born with auto tune. The album opener Hold the Line is a terrific track and has already been made into an even better music video. Major Lazer (the music video's hero) looks suspiciously like the X-Men's Bishop flying on a rocket powered skateboard fighting hoards of zombies and vampires. It really is a totally badass as it sounds. You definitely don't have to be a fan of dance hall, dubstep or reggaetone to enjoy this album because if you don't like dance hall, dubstep, or reggaestone you're a hater, ipso facto making your opinion irrelevant. I don't make the rules, I just enforce them.
That's how the crack pipe crumbles,
Kurt (of The Bridal Shower)