Mushmouth here.
What to tell, what to tell...
Well, my friends, let me first start by saying that our new album, 'Work.', should definitely be finished come the holidays. Both yours truly and Kid Supreme have been writing pieces for it, and we will record vocals when we are home on break. Tell us what you've thought of what we're calling post pop, we've been excited to write songs like this since we started making music as The Bridal Shower, and have just realized this goal.
Secondly, I saw Boris and Growing last night, both of whom were phenomenal. Growing had a third member that I did not know about, and they were very trance-inducing, in the very best way. Boris had stupendous energy, and played a long drone jam at the end of their set. I can't hear still.
Some sad news. I was in a car accident earlier this week. I, my friend Nilla, and my room mate were en route to the apartment of one of our friends, when Nilla's car was struck by a girl who ran a blinking red light (we ourselves had blinking yellow). I am under the impression that, had Nilla not turned out of the way, I would have been seriously injured. She was going at least 30, which, when coming straight at your face, is fast for a car. Nilla, thank you for moving out of the way. Luckily everybody was alright. The same could not be said for either car.
Finals, my friends. Final papers, final projects, and final exams. For the next few weeks, I will be up to my face in this nonsense. I know Kid Supreme is facing the same evil. We will stand up to these obstacles, and in less than a fortnight, we will be able to practice and write music nightly once again.
Remember that radio show we were talking about? This friday, we will be recording it, and hopefully we will get the audio in a timely fashion. When we do, we'll put it up here, for your listening pleasure.
Good night my friends. It is snowing. I'm content.
The Bridal Shower